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Virtua creates a more relevant search experience in record time with SearchStax

Virtua Health was using an outdated version of Coveo On-Premises search product to power its website search page which was no longer supported by Coveo. The goal of the project was to replace Coveo On-Premises by SearchStax for Sitecore, leveraging all of the modern search capabilities that SearchStax SearchStudio provides while keeping the user experience (look and feel) much the same.

Case Study Highlights


  • Coveo On-Premises no longer supported
  • Customer needed to provide and maintain a dedicated server to power the search engine
  • No keyword(s) highlighted in the result cards
  • Pagination at the top, leading to a bad search experience
  • Facets were not dynamic, so facets with zero options were still being displayed
  • No facet options count on the left-side filters
  • No search analytics events being collected
  • No insight dashboards to empower marketing and business teams


SearchStax for Sitecore is a plug-and-play solution, so after installing and configuring the Sitecore package in order to connect the Sitecore instance with the SearchStax search apps, it was a matter of performing a few tasks before having the new search page in place:

  • Replace Coveo with SearchStax
  • Leveraged SearchStax UI accelerator to speed up the project
  • Only 2 new Sitecore renderings were created
  • 7 new SearchStax computed fields were added


  • The marketing team can now leverage analytics to create better and more relevant customer experiences
  • Less than 70 hours of Sitecore development were used to perform the changes in the code base and Sitecore
  • Around 10 hours of development were used to configure SearchStax search apps
  • Less than 20 hours of front-end development were used to give the search page the needed look and feel