Sitecore Content Hub - Content Marketing Platform - CMP - Administration

Akshay Sura - Partner

31 Jul 2020

In this video, I am going through the Sitecore Content Marketing Platform (CMP) Administration. We are hoping to release future videos for the integration of CMP into Sitecore.


Note: The following is the transcription of the video produced by an automated transcription system.

Hey, guys, this is Akshay Sura, I’ve been doing Sitecore since 2007, and I’ve been an MVP a few times. Today we’ll be looking at CMP administration. So, we released a video recently about content marketing platform and just an overview walkthrough of what it is today will be looking at some administration capabilities just to make your life a little bit easier. And again, I don’t have many slides for this.

It’s mainly working inside of content hub. So, on the left, you see a plain instance of content hub. On the right, it’s based on one of the demo instances. So, off the bat, the only thing you’re going to see on the left is the logo I just uploaded. But on the right, as you can see, there’s additional information. So, there is a difference in the content you get out of the box, there’s not a lot. So, you would need to work with the Sitecore team who is looking at your metadata to set things up.

So we will try going through some of the features inside of CMP today and then see how we can add the metadata we need at the, you know, any types we need as we go on.

All right. Let’s go ahead and create a new campaign. You know, we don’t have a template right now, but you can create templates for campaigns so you can do multiples of similar types of campaign right now. Just try to create a campaign before I add any information, and we’ll just go through it really quick.

So the name when the campaign starts and ends, the team is basically the group of users for this campaign, campaign type we don’t have any out of the box metadata, so we’ll figure out how to do that. And then localization. Right now, we just have these two, I am ok with en-us. So, let’s see how we can do a campaign type.

So, we go into this settings. This is where all the fun stuff is. If you want to play around with it and it’s going to taxonomy, search for campaign if we have a campaign type. So, I am hoping to create a campaign type of event. And again, icon let’s see. I think there is a calendar icon, here you go give it a color. You could tag your content to other content doesn’t I don’t want to tag it to another campaign, the identifier that you could type it in, or it gets created by default. Go ahead and hit save. I’m going to add another one just calling site launch. Let’s see. It’s I want a globe.

Pick a different color and then hit save. So, we have two campaign types, now if we, go back here and add a new campaign.

And let’s look at campaign type, so we created the campaign types right now, which is awesome. So, I’m going to say the campaign ad campaign is hackathon 2021. Be specific and it is going to start today, and we will go. Usually it’s run in March. So, I’m just going to set the first week of March team. I’m going to leave it the way it is campaign as an event, localization. They want it to be in en-US. Go ahead and create. So that’s our campaign. I will do so. But it doesn’t have any assets or anything in it. So, what I’m going to do is since I already have an asset of hackathon logo, I’ll just link that here. And, you know, we don’t have any content that our next part is trying to figure out what content we need for this. All right. So, let’s, uh, let me just change the image real quick. Uh, drop that they’re let’s add a new piece of content so you can see there’s different types of content.

Right now. We have these seven out of the box, but you can add a new type if you choose to. Each type will have its own set of fields, which you can take information on to. This one is going to be a blog. I am going to add to localizations better to add at least one localization. It’s we make it part of the process. This is a..

That’s good enough. Let’s go ahead and create. Now, we got a piece of content. Once I get into the piece of content, you can see that that it’s already in workflow. So, this is the piece of content I’m creating. I’m not going to go through the ideation phase because I already have run the hackathon so many times that, you know, I know the content which needs to get done. So, it’s a matter of setting the content calendar more than anything else. So. We as you can see, this has its own workflow, and again, you can customize this workflow the way you choose to by default, the fields you see here, so I have, the blog title. So, I kept on Sitecore hackathon for 2021, announcement.

And I have a quote here and the body here and I can add any attachments, any images or asset pushing as part of this. From a Metadata perspective, you can see that we have a publication status by default. You get these five, you can add more. So essentially get into the habit of setting the status of where it is in your publication status. We know the type is blog the audience. There is none at this moment that something which we have to specify. So, audiences, the target audience for this segment of content. And then we have a channel account which is which identifies the specific segment in the publication channel, which we don’t have any in there. We don’t have any region specified. So, we will specify all of that. We have a publication date. So, let me set this as the third, which is the Monday and maybe nine o’clock in the morning. Brief is just a summary or some kind of description. So, I’m going to go ahead and save this and then let’s go here. Uh, you know, the campaign, master asset is content. So if we had assets and I’ll show you these if the asset itself, so if you have multiple assets and one of the assets is a master asset, if you check this box, essentially, you’re saying that asset itself is the piece of content. There’s nothing in here which is going to act as the content. That asset will be the content. And then these are some dates. And these are a couple of crucial information to a publication dynamic publication date, if you check this and specify the number of days here, essentially it’s going to take the start date of the campaign and then add the number of days and schedule it that way. So, if you’re running a big campaign, it makes sense for you to add on to when the campaign started to three days from the campaign start release this five days from the campaign start release that. So, we’ll take a look at those for sure. Impact scores we talked about in the previous conversation. So, for now, I’m just going to save this.

Come back here. So one of the things before we get into any other stuff is you can see I am constantly having to go in here or you’ll end up going in there quite a bit while you’re working on it. So usually what I do is for the things I touch, quite often I try to move it up top. So, for instance, search. So, I went into the main managed page in the pages. And then essentially what I’m doing here is I’m moving things to the top level. So, you see search came back up over here.

I’m going to do the same for work because that’s the dashboard for your current set of work. Sorry I didn’t go. Move come back here. We’ll do the same for campaigns as well as. All right, so I needed to get done, all right, so we have our campaign.

What I’m going to do is I am going to add another content item and I’m going to say so we are going to announce Hackathon on social media, social media. What I wanted to show on this one is so I have this piece of content, I am going to do this so that you can kind of see. So, what I’ll do? I’m going to go ahead and see this add, a couple of files, and then I’m going to drop it here. And then what I’ll do is I will.

Ok, I want to make sure that he and then what I what I did want to show is, as you can see, I have some content for the actual social and as well as the asset. But if I go back in here and I check this master as it is the content, you’ll notice that it blanks everything out because essentially we’re saying once we, you know, we don’t have a mass transit set, but if we set a mass transit, it doesn’t need to accept any field values. That’s what I was trying to show you over here for this one. But I will uncheck that. And what I’ll do is alter the dynamic published date and set it to three. So, it should be three days after the campaign start date. So, I’m going to hit ahead and hit save go back here.

And then what I’m going to do is I’m going to hit the publication dates just to make sure that the publication dates for that are set. Uh, let me come back into the calendar and go into August so you can see that the, uh, the announcement is set to the second right now. And then the actual blog post is set to the third. No. Let’s come back to campaigns real quick. So, let me go in here. Just noticed some things take a little longer, right? When I said this to one save that.

Come back here. Day, and then I want to just make sure, so we start on the thirty first right, so it added three days to it for a second third, which makes sense. I’m just waiting for it to update right now. So, we just added one came back in our updated publication dates. It added one to the start date. So, it’s the thirty first. So that’s what I basically wanted to show you how that is done to the next one we wanted to tackle was the audience. So, as you can see, we don’t have any audience metadata specified. So, we will tackle that next to let’s go back and to manage. I don’t want to save anything at this moment. All right. Let’s go into taxonomy and find audience and let’s create a new one.

So, audiences like I mentioned, their target audience for the content. So, I am going to create a couple so developers, you could tag a piece of content so I could do this from here. But you don’t have to. I can add an icon if you like, color if you like. So, I’m going to go ahead and hit save. I’m going to add another one called Marketers again, I may or may not tag it from here. You could if you wanted to, and then hit save. So that creates the audience for us. The next one we want to look into was a channel account. So, Channel Account identifies the specific segment. So, for instance, I would do a website.

And it’s active and here you can specify these adjacent attributes for calculating the value of how much you get when this piece of content is served or consumed by this specific channel account. I am going to probably leave the rest of them the way they are at this moment. So, I will create a website. I will create we don’t have a let’s just say official Twitter, for instance, and I’ll leave it be saved. That’s a channel account. And then let me come back here and then do region. Oh, just add a few. So again, U.S., I’m not going to set that content at this moment because I want to get back into the content Canada. Europe and then let’s do one more.

All right, so now when I get back here, let me go into a piece of content to take a look at these right, so go ahead and hit that, as you can see, so I can I can go from here or while I’m doing that channel account, I’m going to see a website region. You know, pretty much all of these apply, but looks like only I can only pick one, which is interesting. And then I am going to and that’s pretty much it.

I’m going to save the kind of shows you extending of the metadata. So, we’re able to add more things as we need it and make the system work for us. So, it’s very extensible. You can set it up by default. A version of it is set up by the Sitecore team working with you. But once you’re done with that, you’re still able to modify certain things. So if you see anything with the lock, it does, you know, it means that you can really do a lot with it, but you can still probably set quite a bit of attributes for it.

Ok, so let’s go back here and then try to add new content type. So essentially what we’re trying to do is, as you can see, each of these content types has, you know, different attributes to what you ask of the content out there. I’m going to add a new type called event. Oh, let me see. And then what I’m going to do is for the event we need to add. Name, it’s a single line, so you have options to it multiple and an HMO. I mean, for the text, it’s fine style. It basically is what gets shown in the style preview. So, I wanted as H1.

I want to add another member details and this is going to be HTML. I will set it to paragraph and then let’s add a location and location and maybe I’ll do an HTML because I like to be a link to an online webinar meeting or my application and I’ll select paragraph as well. So now we have a new event type in new type created. Let me go back here and then, you know, actually, I like I like the calendar view.

So, for instance, you’re able to see when your content is being done. So, for instance, if we are going to announce a piece of so let’s do team questions Webinar, for instance, and this belongs to our campaign and it’s in en-US, it’s a type of an event and the date is, for instance, the 13th. Create that. And what we’re going to do is and so you can see the event is team questions and the details of for teams here could do link to the webinar so that you can see we created a new type, we are able to save the info and you can add as many content types as you what fits your business.

And you can see that it’s on the calendar, which makes it easier for you to fill in any gaps for content. So, I’m hoping this bit of this quite a bit. You could do you know, if you can imagine once you start getting into it in terms of security, the flow’s quite a few things you could do in terms of page customizations. But I just wanted to give you a flavor of what can be done in terms of content itself. I hope this really helped you. I hope you enjoyed this presentation again; my name is actually so where you can reach us on various social channels and on our website. Hopefully we will be producing a lot more of these videos to get into the workings of content hub rather than just throwing our presentation. So, thanks again for watching this video.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me. @akshaysura13 on twitter or on Slack.

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Akshay Sura

Akshay Sura

Akshay is a nine-time Sitecore MVP and a two-time In addition to his work as a solution architect, Akshay is also one of the founders of SUGCON North America 2015, SUGCON India 2018 & 2019, Unofficial Sitecore Training, and Sitecore Slack.

Akshay founded and continues to run the Sitecore Hackathon. As one of the founding partners of Konabos Consulting, Akshay will continue to work with clients to lead projects and mentor their existing teams.

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