Look Before You Leap Webinar

Akshay Sura - Partner

30 Oct 2020

This is the transcript and video of the Look Before You Leap Webinar. Content Agility demands your team be empowered to effectively coordinate activities, leverage existing content and digital assets, and plan and publish highly targeted content across multiple channels. File shares, emailing around Word docs, and tracking campaigns in spreadsheets just won’t cut it anymore; it’s time to modernize and optimize your team’s content capability; it’s time for Content Hub, but not so fast, look before you leap!

“We already have a WCMS; what’s the business case for a Content Marketing Platform?” “What about our product data; do we need the PCM module?” “How about the content migration process? How will that work?” “What are the activities, stages and dependencies of a Content Hub project?” You have questions, we’ve got answers! In this fast-paced session, we’ll provide digital marketing decision makers with the practical, field-tested guidance and tools they need to be able to embark on a Content Hub implementation with confidence.


Note: The following is the transcription of the video produced by an automated transcription system.

All right, thank you so much for joining us for today’s presentation. Look, before you leap. My name is Akshay Sura and I’m Dennis Augustine, one of the three partners over at Konabos, and like Akshay, I’m a multi time Sitecore MVP. So glad you guys could be here with us today. Let me just tell you a little bit about Konabos. It’s pronounced Konabos. It’s one of the immortal horses of Greece. So the Greek mythology areas of some world horses. Konabos We have an inordinate number of Sitecore MVP’s in our company, some seven of them. We became a Sitecore silver partner a little while ago. And we’re really proud of having recently earned our Sitecore Content Hub Specialization Badge as well. When I joined Konabos all those years ago, I was really thrilled to have run into Akshay Sura and Kamruz and my partners in the founders of Konabos because of all they’ve done in the Sitecore community over the years, so many of you will know the Sitecore Hackathon it’s SUGCON every year when they’re actively involved in helping plan and organize that as well as, of course, Sitecore Slack. And if you’re not part of the Sitecore community, you should get on that. Actually, you tell the people how they get on the slack and get this. They can go to sitecore.chat and then I’d fill up a form for their and my excellent. And yeah. So please join us on Sitecore Chat and be part of the community. And that’s really one of the reasons I was so really happy to join kind of Konabos because of the involvement in the community. And Kam and Akshay are long time heroes of mine, really. So it’s my pleasure to be doing my first webinar with Akshay I feel like I finally made it in this like game. But let’s get right into it. What should you know as an exact before you get into Sitecore content hub tell them what we’ll be talking about?

Yeah. So what we wanted to do is share some of our learnings from the process we went through when we were trying to look into content hub as well as getting in the initial process and migration. So we’re going to start off with why would you look at a system like content hub of what’s included as part of content hub? What are the different editions of the software you could purchase, what you get from each one of them, and just having a team which is capable of looking at your requirements as well as what content hub can offer and have a happy marriage between those to complement the offerings so that it fits your needs. And then just in general, and this is a pet peeve of mine. It took me a long time to come to this part. And that’s why I kind of tried to drive this point quite a bit, which is thinking about content differently. So content is not just meant for the Web channel. You have to think of it a little bit more than the Web. Think of content as an omni channel offering and that it goes into multiple different channels, not just web. Absolutely. And you’re thinking about those kind of web and online channels, but it also goes to the point there, well beyond just the Web channels in general, we’re talking as well.

You should start to think about it as being things that you don’t do on even inside your organization. So your internal content development can also be managed in content, which could be super handy when you’re working on projects or maybe even preparing to put on an event, things like that. So I think beyond the website, things we want to go over as well. What should you be looking out for in the discovery phase of your project to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row before you start the implementation? That’s very important when you’re working with Sitecore that you know what you’re talking about. We actually especially is going to point out some of the migration gotchas that we got to be looking out for. You really want to have these in mind as you plan your content migration and the last couple of points to take it easy, walk before you run and then we’ll go over the process a little bit so you’ll know what’s in store for you.

So starting with Why, I every time I go to a new company, a new team, I start to push this book, start with why by Simon’s neck. And the reason I love to do that is it really helps us to focus on the reasons why we’re doing something now that’s going to be helpful for your team in executing and to really understand the purpose of everything. But it’s also going to be helpful for you to evangelize in the organization for the adoption of content hub. And that’s going to be really important part of it as well, because it’s not just a technical implementation. It really goes to the heart of everything that you do in that whole process. You could be thinking, you know. What’s the right version of the document that I’m supposed to be working on, your shooting things around in an e-mail, your shooting documents through email, you you’re looking for images in file shares. And if you’re so frustrating to remember, where was the image that I should be using for this campaign? Again, where am I sure that I change all of the source content when I change product data? Did we cover all of the channels? Did we hit everything that we needed to change?

So like many organizations, when you think of content and again, it’s kind of difficult to narrow down content because we are so siloed, has organizations where a different team is doing different piece of work. So Social has the social team, e-commerce does their own. But when you try to look at the whole piece of content from an organizational level, you do start to realize that you have some assets in file share, some in the system, some in the other system. And it’s been maintained in these different silos and not as one. So the messaging kind of gets lost because of this. And basically keeping up with the brand becomes difficult because each person has a different sense of what the brand is based on their silos. So trying to keep track of all of this. So imagine in this disparate system to run a social campaign which encompasses all of the departments, it just gets too difficult. You’re running between a different project management software, different softwares to do things which can all be unified. And this is normal, by the way. This is the normal state of how companies operate at this moment in time. But there is a better way to do it. There’s a better way to bring all of this so that it’s produced in one place is no different systems and it just makes life easier. And it’s done by centralizing where you build all the content. So having one place to build everything. Yes, it is a huge shift from moving from, you know, into department software and systems to one place. But once you get there, it becomes easier. So you can produce your blog, post your Instagram posts, your social media, third party website content, everything in one place, and you start seeing the utilization of common assets, common pieces of content. The content you would produce will be on similar lines rather than on different wavelengths.

Absolutely, and I’m going to echo what you said there, actually, about that being a natural spot to be in when, you know, you start to get a little bit more ambitious with your digital goals, you need to produce more content. You start accelerating that that cadence and, you know, the amount of content that you have to keep up with the number of social channels, all of the different places that you’re dealing with. Having this, as people have come to call it, the content crisis at that time is a totally natural thing. So makes sense. And you should not feel bad if your organization is in that spot. But centralizing the content to get out of that is really so very essential. One of the other advantages of content hub is Akshay was just alluding to them having the ability to manage all of that in an omnichannel way. So across you centralize that content and then disseminated across the various channels. So the various channels, all you can have one view of the campaigns right across all of your multiple channels and manage those processes in that central spot as well. So get content to provide some tools right next to your content to be able to do that, which naturally is going to be much better than planning things out and excel, trying to get a campaign going over, email, those sorts of things so that you can have much more transparency in how you manage your content strategy. I want to say that in addition to that kind of transparency, what happens when you also have the tools to manage those processes is that you’re going to have better compliance so you can add legal checks along the way, style checks along the way, AODA or was the act in the US again? Actually the idea in America CCPA.

Well, yes, for the privacy compliance. Absolutely. So you’ll have a much better ability to enforce compliance when you have those tools right. Where the content is created and manage that process that way. As a strategist, I’ve also I’ve also really been happy to see in content the ability for us to be able to look at content in one spot and understand its effectiveness by using things like its value score. So that’s going to provide your organization with a much better idea as to what content is effective. And that’s a really important thing that you have to do when you understand that. And I think that’s the 80 20 rule, that about 80 percent of your value for your organization is generated probably by about 20 percent of that content. Well, what is it? And what channel? That’s something that you’re going to need a good overview to be able to tell and content that provides you with that. So strategically, that’s something that you really want to drive home with your marketing executives. Those productivity tools and I’ll take these last couple points here. Those productivity tools, those tools, rather the tools that enable you to manage it in one place, that enable you to do the assignment of tasks, to manage the processes that’s going to increase your productivity and in and of itself is going to save a lot of money when especially when we consider how much resource intensive content production can be.

And finally, I want to say that again as a strategist, this point really is something so essential to me. A lot of customers don’t end up doing personalization. And one of the reasons for that is that they lack the content to be able to drive personalization across multiple channels, across multiple personas, and then to have a view as to whether or not they’ve created the right content for the different personas that they’re trying to address. You have to have content, agility, as we like to call it, in order to be able to drive an effective DCX program and content hub that provides that kind of a view. You will have seen that in one of the previous screens. You’ll see that in this strategy view there is you see an email channel, a blog channel listed and a number of different personas listed vertically that represent the different personas that we’re trying to target across these various channels. So at a glance, I can see that we don’t have sporty content for email on the email channel here. We can see where our content gaps are so we can plan much more effectively.

So basically what it lets you do. Take all of this. And turn it into this, something a little bit more organized, something a little bit more really modern and effective in your content strategy. All right, so which modules do we get or do we need? So, as you know, content hub comes with several different pieces, which you can subscribe to individually, but some come by default. So when we’re looking at content hub as a solution to what your needs are, you are talking about a DAM. You’re talking about CMP. Dam is Digital Asset Management, CMP is content marketing platform, PCM Product Content Management, MRM Marketing, Resource Management. So each of these solves of different piece of the puzzle dam, for instance, is a storage for all your assets, regardless of what they are. So PDF manuals, audio files, video files, any kind of images you use and the dam really complements the other pieces of the content hub. So for instance, PKM, so product content management is a place where you can hand product information which is suitable for the different channels which are trying to push your product. So maybe you have a third party syndicated website where your products are being displayed. You could generate content for that, your own site, your corporate site. It doesn’t matter where it is. And PKM, you have a need to store video or any of the assets which are specific to these channels. Maybe you’re posting something to Instagram or you’re posting something into YouTube.

This is where it will source all of its assets for those products from DAM. CMP is very interesting. So content marketing platform enables you to create content. So think about blogs, you know, press releases, any different type of content. You’re able to model it as well as create it. And of course, all of this content requires assets. So, again, we fall back on DAM. So there’s a big dependency in that part. MRM is like a project management tool, so you’re able to manage and look at your content calendar, fill in gaps in your content calendar if you’re running a campaign of. We have a product launch in 60 days. Let’s fill up the content calendar with blogs. We have social posts pushing to different sites in order to create enough buzz for this specific, specific product launch. So these four different modules complement each other pretty well. So the ones we’ve seen, they’ve pretty much gotten all the four modules. But there are there are situations where you might not need all of them, depending on what you’re trying to solve. But in order to solve content as a whole, these four do make a lot of a lot of sense and help you a lot.

Absolutely. And the it’s the CMP module. If I am not mistaken, you will correct me. I’m sure that where we find that engagement scoring and all of that ability to really analyze that content from its effectiveness perspective across those channels, too. Yeah, correct. OK, great. This is an area where actually I really would love to hear you really with a little bit more about the additions, because we when we were working with some of our customers with regards to choosing that sounded a little bit hard to make the choice. So let’s just get right into that few editions. So one of the biggest, I guess, milestone in your deciding to go with content hub is actually figuring out one a your needs and then based on your needs, trying to see which edition of content better suits your needs. And, you know, most of this, you know, I would say is driven by your budget for sure. But it also is driven by your needs to figure out what is possible and what is not. So the base level is the pro edition. And again, you are able to when you’re doing the data modeling and the content models, you are able to define your content model with the content hub team.

You have the ability to add as many content types as you need for CMP, but you’re restricted in terms of the actual entities and what you can do with the entities. That a couple of things, which is, you know, for a pro edition for each of these, there’s a limit to the amount of storage you have, the amount of API calls you get at different thresholds, but something like a professional. One of the a couple of the very distinguished factors are like you get locked into your content model once you fix it, but you can still add your cmp types, not just the entities, and then you’re restricted to only one environment. Might work for you, might not work for you. It totally depends on it. Whereas the corporate edition is like a huge step up to me that the production is very competitive. When you look at other things on the market, just the dam alone from another system is two thirds of the cost of the pro edition with all of the pieces involved. So to me, a pro edition is a no brainer for most of the situations. But depending on what you’re trying to do, corporate might make a better, better fit for you. First, you get more storage of the bat support as well, but you have a couple of different environments at this moment.

So it kind of helps you vet out all your changes on one environment exported and then imported into your production environment. That kind of helps you a little bit. Also being able to do content modeling. So it helps quite a bit because now you have more control over your structures, not just on the CMP types, but also a little bit of flexibility in terms of the entities. And last but not least, the Enterprise edition, basically, you get the whole gamut, everything, including all the environments, more storage, you have your own instance. So it’s much faster. And not that the other ones are anything to laugh at. They’re very decent. You wouldn’t notice much of a difference. But here you have your own you have premium support, which helps you quite a bit. But honestly, what we have seen is once you start implementing it and you have a knowledgeable staff who have worked with content hub, I have not seen any support issues so far. I mean, the only thing I can think of is the environment issues if they come up. But we haven’t seen any issues. So again, we have three different additions you could look into based on your needs. And having a trusted partner who has worked with content hub will help you determine which one fits your bill. Absolutely.

And the non production environments in the corporate side are sandbox add ons and the on the enterprise side included. So, you know, it’s also important distinction, distinction. You pay a little bit extra for those non profit in corporate, but enterprise you don’t. And I can’t say enough about that, making that choice about the free form content model and how important that is, because as you’re doing your discovery and you have to understand really how that works, really work with your experience like Sitecore partner when you’re doing your content modelling to determine whether or not you’re going to be painted into a hole without the ability to do free form modeling. So that’s something very important to consider. That’s going to make all the difference, probably between choosing between corporate and professional for most organizations. Ok.

Let’s talk briefly about a few things we’re coming up about halfway through, and I want to pick up the pace just a bit, talking about putting your team together. Who needs to be engaged when you are starting to do plan for your content hub project? Well, pretty much everybody certainly. I can’t say enough about engaging with executives early and really to win them over. That goes back to that. Start with why that kind of messaging is what you’ll need to get to have your executive stakeholders on board, because you’re going to need champions to affect the kind of organizational change that’s going to be that comes along with implementing something like content. It’s not just a tool to implement on its own. It requires changing in your organization. So here’s how you change about thinking about a strategy. So your digital strategist will be involved. People on the ground are going to really need to be involved with regards to the process because they are the ones who know how they produce that content and who they have to run things by all of that stuff. So involve the content producers who are in the trenches. Make sure because of that organizational change that your change champions, your trainers, your change management team, are involved in your early stage planning and understand what’s laying ahead. Certainly your technical and business owners of those source systems, the destination systems and your experience like your partner. So do reach out if you need any help advice to us on the various channels. We’ll put some information at the end of the presentation, how you can find out more about how you can get some help. And I’ll go back to how Akshay and Kam always have been in the community more than willing to help other partners, customers and so forth.

This is an interesting piece, so this is something which we had a difficult time in terms of trying to bring everyone to the table, what I mean by that is thinking about content from a central place. So all these years we’ve thought about content in silos, as we’ve mentioned before, having different teams, doing different parts. But now you’re starting to think of content as a whole in one place. And it’s a huge shift. It’s a shift from using different tools to one tool and moving different departments. So think about, you know, what’s involved in terms of logistics. From a content perspective. You have people who don’t even look at the website being part of producing that content, people who are, you know, technical in terms of coming up with the spec sheets for your product, for instance, who really don’t need to be on your site, but they are the ones who are designing these products. They’re the ones who have the specs, blueprints for these in some place and all the way from that to your actual staff who are producing this content and pushing it to these different channels. But from an organizational perspective, this has to be a change from top down all across. Expectations have to be set in terms of, hey, this is what we are hoping to do. We do not want to do, you know, cold turkey cut and dry and just change things on you. But think about a phased approach of how we would get to that final state, making sure everyone’s on board, making sure everyone is trained, making sure everyone knows why. Why are we doing this? Because we want to produce content that is consistent with the brand. Why should we use content hub? How or similar system to that? Because we want one central place to be the gold content from which everything comes out. So whether it’s a mobile app, whether it’s a syndicated third party website, whether it’s your own site, it does not matter.

You get everything from that one central place. So I think this is a very interesting piece of the entire puzzle, which we went through with the customers. And I think that’s one piece of it, which is the initial part, the buy in, the education, the training. But then there’s a secondary part to this which talks about how exactly. So now I’ve been producing this piece of content in my website for the past six years. And now you’re telling me I can produce it on my website CMS any more, regardless of what the terms is. You know, if you’re using Sitecore as your CMS, well, great, because you get the CMP and the DAM connectors, it makes your life a little bit easier. But say if you’re using a different CMS, for instance, now you have to plan for that. How exactly is that going to change to someone who is used to going into WordPress or whatever that is to produce content day in, day out now has to go into content hub and you have to cater to their needs to make sure that it’s not slowing down. Their process of producing content at the same time seamlessly make that connection between content hub and the third party seems that the content flows through to that channel the way it does, and that’s just taking one channel. Now you have to start thinking about different channels and it gets a little bit complicated. So this is a very interesting piece of the entire puzzle for me personally, because education, making sure everyone’s on the same track, you estimated things properly so that, you know, all the integrations which need to be made, I think is a very crucial piece of this puzzle.

Absolutely, and I think that the last bullet, when he talks about how it’s done a little bit differently in terms of in the Sitecore or a specific context, pushing things into a bucket rather than into that structure and content tree. So content hub then serving as the source, being able to find that content, create it and publish it to the different sources. But when it comes to the presentation aspect, you’re going to have to do a little bit of thinking about how you change your perhaps your architecture of your solution a little bit, and the kind of workflow of how you set up pages and so forth, how you relate content to each other in order to make sure that you’ve accounted for that. So, again, think about the implications of how you are doing content differently in the future as you get into this whole exercise. One slide here for this. Again, I’m going to just underscore a little bit more that the Web content, your website is just the tip of the iceberg, the content iceberg. There is so much that you do that you have not really been thinking about, I’m sure, in the context of something like content. So whether all of those internal documents that you’ll be you’ve been creating all of the preparation for events and webinars and other things, whether it be internal facing or external facing, think about how much time you could be saving, how much more efficient your efforts could be if you had a tool to centrally manage that and to really drive some productivity along there. When you think of when you make an ROIC case for content top just based on the amount of content work we do in an organization, I think it’s a it’s a no brainer. It pays for itself. So that’s something I really want everybody to really think about. And it’s also another great selling feature that makes the people outside of the digital marketing channels interested in content hub as well. All right, another interesting piece of the puzzle. Go ahead, Dennis.

Yeah, yeah, the discovery phase. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, as a as a bad I mean, we I wish when we got into our first content projects that we had a little bit more leeway or a little bit more fair warning about all the things we needed to know in the discovery phase, which just listed a few here. You know, something that you really got to be engaged with is everybody who’s involved in the content lifecycle. So everybody from the planning and ideation, the people who come up with strategy all the way down to those who are actually producing the content, publishing into different channels and folks who have got to decide where to take the content down compliance and people who are making up retention policies and things like that need to be involved. Train your decision makers early so everybody knows what they’re talking about when they’re working and talking about content and what’s possible so that you can really nail that down and. Actually, I mean, in your role as a solution architect there, I think that this third point was really something that bears some underscoring, you know, like to really make sure that you have your data structures set solid before you start engaging with Sitecore. Yeah. So I think for me, this was interesting. Right. So I feel like now that we’ve done it, it’s easier for us to walk through the customer or the resources involved than in the actual discovery phase through what exactly is needed.

Initially, it was a little bit difficult. So you’re defining these data structures of what data do you need? Do you need everything which is in the PIM answer is no, you don’t, because already stores those pieces of information, what you’re looking for is some of the metadata for the content you’re trying to store, for instance, a product in this case. But then a lot of the newer pieces of info you want to store, which are going to replace content in your different channels. And I think just understanding that that is what is being asked of you was that was a big hurdle for us. So now when you’re trying to look for changes in terms of replacing an existing CMS stores for existing CMS stores, a blog post with the title Body X and Y, you would need to replicate that those structures in the appropriate copy types in your copy content, model, domain model spreadsheets. So just that a little bit of understanding. I think spending a good half an hour on looking at the domain model spreadsheets, going over it with the team, specifying what the end goal is and have an iterative process within a few days where you’re going back talking about it. It might seem laborious and lengthy, but there’s a lot to learn here. So you’re trying to learn about what gets stored where and why would that information be useless to you for the rest of the time? You’ll be using content on it won’t, because that’s a very valuable piece of information. So just going through that with the team, coming up with the final thing, and then once you think you’re done with the domain model, you are able to go back and forth with the content hub team, which is assigned to and they’re able to guide you appropriately, saying, hey, you know what, this piece of info which you are trying to represent is fit for purpose of just listing or do you want to have its own metadata? And again, having a proper Sitecore partner who’s done this before would help you with half those, and then the content team would pick up on the rest of them. And that kind of makes it a little bit easier from a data structure perspective.

And thinking about the data structures, I mean, again, that’s part business analysis, part, you know, kind of just data structure design. So your solution architect needs to be involved because deciding what systems are on what data and how it flows through your organization is going to be a really important thing for you to establish as you’re getting into this. So. So, yeah, pay close attention to that. Understand who owns what. Where are you today in terms of what your workflow is? Where do you want to be going in the future state? And once you’ve done all of those things and consulted with legal about compliance requirements, you’ll be ready to start to engage with the Sitecore team and get this get the work done. You know, this area here is one Akshay that you’ve blogged on quite a bit recently about the content hub migration and love for you just to. Help us understand some of the pitfalls of some of the migration process if you’re not ready for it.

So migration was quite interesting. So we were migrating 100’s and thousands of assets from different systems just from an asset perspective. And what we found was that a couple of inbuilt ways to migrate assets, for instance, which is you could either drag and drop or, you know, how many of our assets at the time into the content hub of UI. Or you could you could get a an Excel sheet, which is generated based on your schema by the content hub team, and you able to fill in this sheet with the metadata for the file as well as a public link. So any of the assets you want to import into content, either via the API method or so sorry, the web client sdk method or the Excel file method, you need a public link in order to be able to pull those assets in, whereas a drag and drop the assets on your local machine or network drive and you’re able to drop in where it becomes difficult to think about the number of assets you have in your different systems. So in your CMS alone, you probably have 20, 30 thousand assets in your other systems where you hold different types of content. You might have many more depending on the type of company you are, your story, or maybe you have knowledge management with PDF generated somewhere also to move all of that with either drag and drop or the Excel method. I think it’s not applicable to you. It’s just asinine to do that just because of the sheer volume of data you need to move the manual process.

It just makes it a little bit difficult. So what we’ve worked on and perfected is we have all of our middleware set in our azure functions which are capable of pulling this information from your different systems and pushing them into content hub. So if you’re talking about just assets, it’s capable of looking at your local CMS, especially if its Sitecore. It’s able to pull all of the assets out of your media library, push them out the content hub, create public links and assign attributes to them. So what was the item ID for that image inside your media library? And what are the tags based on the directory structure? So you are able to always relate back the item and the asset inside of your content hub with the image or asset instead of your media library. It makes a lot of sense to do it that way. Moving content again to save your CMS or any other system has a lot of information to do with products or articles, blogs, whatever that is. We are able to easily move those hundreds and thousands. And that’s one of the reasons why we choose Azure functions or anything else as we are able to run these simultaneous transactions thousands at a time and scale up as much as we need to cater to the amount of data being moved. So moving those is kind of interesting. So that’s just, again, half of the puzzle, which is getting it from your existing systems into content hub is one piece and then the other one is to pull it down.

Right. So if you’re using the Sitecore CMS great because we have our DAM and CMP Connector. The DAM connector lets you pick your assets just like how you pick from the media library, from the DAM connector in your site. Of course CMS works great. The CMP Connector new version was released last month. We have a talk coming up at a symposium next week on the new version of CMP Connector and the Road Map. And that kind of helps you pull all the CMP data back and as Dennis mentioned in the bucket. So you have to reprogram a little bit on your front and perspective from looking at the local data source sort of site level data source to know a different place where you dump all of these content types of specific type. But if you’re using a third party system or Sitecore commerce, for instance, you would have to write an API connected there. And we seamlessly integrated or that part for our customers, where products which are in the final workflow state get pushed into a service bus that gets pulled in to Sitecore Commerce automatically on demand as well as nightly, so we are able to sink it. So if we’re able to do that, we would be able to help you with integrating into your other systems where the content needs to be pulled back from content hub as well.

Absolutely. And just having the ability in that scripting to update the reference sources, the sources that were referring to the assets and the content during the migration process itself will save you so much time. So I encourage everybody to check out Akshay’s sort of videos and blog posts about content, migration and all the different areas. We got some good ones about DAM CMP and PCM. Check those out and reach out if you need any help in migration. Reach out on slack, reach out to us personally. Check out the migration service that we had recently launched as well. Have a bunch of tools that Akshay was referring to help you along that process. Again, single slide here, and I think we’ve mentioned this a couple times, that there’s a lot of organizational change that happens when you’re implementing something like this. So it’s going to change how you, you know, the whole ideation to creation, to approval and publishing and even analysis processes. So take baby steps, come along slowly, walk before you run, and there’ll be lots of time for you to make that transformation in your organization. So really highly encourage teams not to overengineer process. Don’t think you’re going to have a automatic solution to all of your to all of your kind of process. Woes is content hub that won’t solve those issues any more than Excel will balance your checkbook. So take your time and get accustomed to it before you try to do much more engineering of things like process. And speaking of process.

The actual steps to get here, so it’s one of the last things before I might Akshay wrap up and tell us how to you can get some more information is to make sure that you leave lots of time for implementation. That was one of the things I think that we wish we had done the first time a few times. So we want to make sure that you leave lots of time for that in your planning. It can take up to three months to implement. That’s not counting your discovery time, your lead time. You’re planning just after you engage with the second team. So make sure that you leave lots of time in your project. Plan for that and you’ll be a lot safer. In your planning for content hub, what Akshay went on to take the folks home? I hope you’ve gotten some information that they can use. I was on mute then, so we produce quite a bit of content on our site with regards to content, hub, blog posts, webinars, what have you. So be sure to visit our website. We’re very reachable. We’re in all Sitecore social channels and we’re pretty active on social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn. So don’t be afraid to reach out, even if it’s a question or posted on that content hub channel on Sitecore Slack. And it will be more than happy to help you out. All right, thank you so much for joining us. You have a good day. Thanks again bye.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with me. @akshaysura13 on Twitter or on Slack.

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Akshay Sura

Akshay Sura

Akshay is a nine-time Sitecore MVP and a two-time Kontent.ai. In addition to his work as a solution architect, Akshay is also one of the founders of SUGCON North America 2015, SUGCON India 2018 & 2019, Unofficial Sitecore Training, and Sitecore Slack.

Akshay founded and continues to run the Sitecore Hackathon. As one of the founding partners of Konabos Consulting, Akshay will continue to work with clients to lead projects and mentor their existing teams.

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