A/B Testing in Action: How to Continuously Improve Customer Journeys

Konabos Inc. - Konabos

24 Sep 2024

Note: The following is the transcription of the video produced by an automated transcription system.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to our second episode of digital customer experience. My name is Vaishali, and I work as a Senior customer experience strategist. My focus is designing experiences and integrating emotions in the world of technology.

All right. My name is Akshay Sura. I've been focusing on helping businesses enhance their digital customer experience and thrive in the digital landscape. So today we want to talk about AB testing, or multi variant testing, as it's called. So, you know, from that perspective, I think it's, it's a term that's thrown around, but AB testing or multivariate testing is basically taking multiple versions of the same message you're trying to convey and see which one resonates with your target audience. So, talking about that, how does that impact the business? Do you think for Charlie AB testing, or multivariate testing?

So, you know, Akshay, in our first episode, we spoke about who a customer is, and I think AB testing, the best way to describe it is to be able to learn about your customer. It's a technique through which you can understand which campaign, which content, what experience, works very well for your customer. And that's the most important thing that directly impacts a business, because once you learn about your customers, you're able to research and understand better about them through analytics and AB testing is one of the best tools to kind of also validate hypothesis. Most of the times we have this creativity as marketers, like, oh, I think this will really work. Or, like, this featureless card would work, or a carousel would work. So, you can try and play around using the tools that we have in hand, makes sense, right? And I think from a tech perspective, it's all about implementing the right solution. So, I think the giving the power to the marketers or the content authors to do that, I think, is super important, and the way you build it is important. So a lot of the times, things are built in a fast and quick way where you're not giving the ability for the content authors or the marketers to do the multivariate testing or things don't get logged from the analytics perspective, so you're taking the power away from the business to make the right decision. So, I think if it's done right, it is a very powerful tool. And remember, personalization and AB testing, it's an ongoing effort. It isn't one and done when the project is implemented. I think that's a misconception. And a lot of the companies do this. There's been very few companies I've worked with where personalization is an ongoing business goal that continues way after the project is implemented. Yeah.

And I think same as with the results of AB testing. You know, like you said, just like personalization, when you do AB testing, most of the time, organizations take it as a mini project and then wrap it up, and then you learn about the results. You don't kind of actually put it in the product life cycle to say this worked well. Now let's try if this would work well for different demographics or different segments. So, I love how you mentioned that it should be an ongoing thing. It's not a one stop solution, and then that's about it. So, I'm curious to I think I already kind of gave away the takeaway. But if there's any other takeaway from your perspective that our audience should listen from this episode, what would it be?

I think all sides of the business. So, like one like I mentioned, the thing is that this personalization AB testing is an ongoing effort. Don't just think of it as the start or somewhere in which you can pick it up and work with the business, right? It has to work well. It's all like your tech team has to work well with your marketing and content authoring and the business, so the business and the customer see the value in it. I think that's the most important part in this. All right, folks, see you in our next episode. Thank you for joining us today. You.

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