
Konabos Launches Sitecore Content Hub Data Migration Service

14 Oct 2020

Sitecore Customers & Partners can now access much-needed expertise to ease data migration woes

USA, Canada, New Zealand — October 14, 2020 — Konabos Consulting Inc. announces the launch of its data migration service, aimed at helping Sitecore Customers and Sitecore Partners navigate their way around the complexities involved in migrating data from their existing systems into Sitecore Content Hub.

As one of the few Sitecore Content Hub Specialized Partners in the world (one of the two in Canada, and one of ten in the United States), Konabos is well-placed to help customers and partners excel. Our goal is to help them learn from their experience and avoid the technical, human, and process pitfalls that their teams will invariably face in a project as transformational as a Content Hub implementation.

“Even if a Customer or Partner is only implementing the Content Hub DAM (Digital Asset Management) module, I’d highly recommend that they seek out experienced help. The trouble is that content migration is one of those things that a team hopefully doesn’t do that often, which makes acquiring or retaining that experience hard.

The Konabosing mindset is all about sharing knowledge to make our communities, customers, and ourselves better. That’s why we decided to not only make this offering available to potential customers, but also to the Sitecore Partner community.

We don’t need to own the entire implementation to add value. Every time we work with a customer or partner on a project, we’re not only applying the lessons we’ve learnt but are continuously learning new ones while making ourselves and our clients better. It’s a win-win situation.” - Akshay Sura, Sitecore MVP, Partner at Konabos

For more information about Konabos’ Sitecore Content Hub Migration Service please visit the Konabos website.

About Konabos Consulting Inc.

Konabos delivers CX business value. Our passion for our professions inspires us to learn, strive for excellence, grow, and consistently deliver work we can be proud of. Our love for our communities, teammates, and customers, drives us to share the best practices that we’ve learned to help make everyone around us better.

We stand out among our competitors because of the extraordinary number of very experienced, highly respected, and recognized specialists on our team. The members of the Konabos team are industry veterans with decades of experience each. More than half of our team are multi-year Sitecore MVPs, a distinction that speaks volumes about the culture of professional passion, community focus, and teamwork that characterizes the ‘Konabosing’ mindset.

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