
Konabos Achieves a Milestone in Content Hub Specialization

7 Oct 2020

Product-focused partner specialization awarded after completing a rigorous enablement process

USA, Canada, New Zealand — October, 7, 2020 — Konabos, today announced that it has earned specialization in Sitecore Content Hub by Sitecore®, the global leader in digital experience management software.

Konabos has completed a practice-wide product immersion training including verification of product enablement requirements and creation of a dedicated capable and scalable practice, including proven customer success for Sitecore Content Hub.

The Sitecore Practice Specialization Framework (PSF) is a way to surface and highlight Partners’ product skills and capabilities, giving partners and customers a head-start on project success. This Sitecore Content Hub-ready designation enables Sitecore customers to recognize a specialized solutions partner, increasing customer confidence and reducing project risks to help maximize ROI.

“The addition of Content Hub to the Sitecore product family has been great for our team. It makes me happy to see our Sitecore MVPs and community veterans so excited about a product offering and the undeniable value it’ll let us deliver for our customers!” Akshay Sura, Sitecore MVP, Partner @ Konabos

“Sitecore welcomes Konabos to the list of Partners who have been awarded the Sitecore Content Hub practice specialization. Not only does this achievement reflect a significant investment of time and resources, it highlights a level of commitment appreciated and welcomed by Sitecore and customers” David Holmes, VP, Global Sales and Partner Operations

For more information about the Practice Specialization Framework Program, refer to Sitecore’s website.

About Konabos Consulting Inc.

Konabos delivers CX business value. Our passion for our professions inspires us to learn, strive for excellence, grow, and consistently deliver work we can be proud of. Our love for our communities, teammates, and customers, drives us to share the best practices that we’ve learned to help make everyone around us better.

We stand out among our competitors because of the extraordinary number of very experienced, highly respected, and recognized specialists on our team. The members of the Konabos team are industry veterans with decades of experience each. More than half of our team are multi-year Sitecore MVPs, a distinction that speaks volumes about the culture of professional passion, community-focus, and teamwork that characterizes the ‘Konabosing’ mindset.

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