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A National Accounting Association Content Migration & SEO

Konabos helps an accounting association confidently plan the migration of over 10,000 pieces of content with minimal impact on SEO.

Case Study Highlights


  • How to prioritize and organize 10K+ pieces of content according to a new brand and revised personas
  • Meet timelines with a competing AODA compliance deadline
  • Non-technical accountants and subject matter experts do not understand SEO
  • Content is created haphazardly with no clear strategy
  • Content creation, approval, and publishing process takes too long and often has bottlenecks


  • Conduct an SEO Audit
  • Center IA around personas and use pillar content to organize similar items
  • Interview each content team
  • Review and document each team’s process
  • Identified duplicate and overlapping steps/inefficiencies
  • Recommend the use of Content Hub for faster approvals and publishing across multiple channels
  • Conduct an SEO workshop on SEO fundaments for non-technical writers
  • Design and plan a comprehensive 301 redirect strategy


  • Achieved less than 7% SEO attrition
  • Coached 100+ content creators on SEO Fundamentals
  • Created on-demand training module for future onboarding
  • Discovered an emerging/changing content trend in the use of “regenerative” vs “sustainable” business
  • Recommendation to merge two newsletters into a single publication
  • Recommendation to bring separate domain under their main domain

Company and Project Overview

As a national accounting association, our client was established to support the unification of the accounting profession and continues to set the standards for accounting best practices and ethics around the globe.

With more customer demand, a change in business focus, and a copious amount of digital content, our client saw the need to re-evaluate their information architecture, content strategy, and content creation process to ensure they were creating relevant and timely content, that was easy to find. They also wanted to ensure they had the mechanisms in place to measure the effectiveness of the content they created. Konabos developed a migration process, implemented website upgrades, and optimized the website’s structure. Our team developed an information architecture that linked website page designs and content pillars to personas to create a cohesive content framework.

Denise Moorcraft

Director Application Services

Major North American Home Builder



Konabos was instrumental in improving the stability and performance of our website. They pinpointed the issues and clearly communicated the plan to resolve them. Konabos also made themselves available for troubleshooting at a moment's notice, which was very reassuring.