Jose Raimondi - Front-End Developer
6 Jan 2025
Tailwind CSS is awesome, but managing classnames for complex components can quickly become a difficult task. Just the sheer number of utility classes can make your codebase harder to read and maintain. This is why tools like CVA (Class Variance Authority) – are designed to simplify the management of dynamic classnames and make your life easier.
In this blog post, we’ll explore how CVA can help streamline your Tailwind development process and make your component styles simple and readable.
Class Variance Authority (CVA) is an utility for managing dynamic classnames in your projects. It provides a clean and structured way to handle conditional class application.
With CVA, you can define base classes, variants, and compound rules for your components. This is quite useful when working with Tailwind CSS, where utility classes are often combined and conditionally applied.
To get started, install the class-variance-authority
Now let’s check out this example of how to use CVA to define dynamic classes for a button component.
You can see we've defined two properties, variant and size, each with three different options. We also setup default values in case some of the properties are not provided.
All you have to do now is call your component and decide how you want it to render:
You might also notice that we can add typescript to our variants!, for this, import the VariantProps type from class-variance-authority
and implement it as shown in the example.
CVA also supports compound variants for handling more complex scenarios where multiple conditions determine the class:
In this scenario, when the accent variant and the large size are provided, the border and border primary class are also going to be added. This will allow you to add different styles when very specific conditions are met.
Using CVA with Tailwind CSS is a powerful way to simplify your class management and improve the maintainability of your components. By defining base classes and variants in one place, you reduce duplication and make your components more predictable.
If you’re working with a large codebase or building reusable component libraries, CVA can be a game-changer for keeping your Tailwind styles organized. We've all seen it, the huge classnames mashup our beloved tailwind can become, but tools like CVA are here to help and make a difference.
Jose is a Front-End Developer with a love for building new things. He finds the idea of working with the latest technologies such as React.js, Next.js, Kentico Kontent, Tailwind CSS, etc, very
thrilling. Coming from a musical background, he sees that software engineering shares something with music, which is creativity. Embracing the challenge of learning more every day, as technology evolves there will always be excitement for him in the field.
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