Lukasz Skowroński - Senior Solutions Architect
10 Mar 2025
One of our customers uses in their organization well-known SSO provider. Sitecore instance that they were using was still missing this integration. Integration itself is not a challenge as it is well described in the Sitecore documentation (
The challenge that we faced was related to the migration of the users roles from existing accounts to the new accounts created after SSO authentication.
Manual migration would take too much time, so we used a different approach.
Sitecore provides many customization options thanks to multiple pipelines and events that are available for every development team.
Our goal was to migrate roles for every user that authenticates first time within SSO instead of the local Sitecore account. When a user authenticates the first time, a new account is created and this is a great place to add some customization, thanks to the OnUserCreated event being triggered by Sitecore.
First we start with event registration:
<sitecore role:require="Standalone or ContentManagement">
<event name="user:created">
<handler type="Konabos.Foundation.Security.Events.SSOUserCreationEvent, Konabos.Foundation.Security" method="OnUserCreated" resolve="true" />
It is worth noting at this point that we want to use our handler only on standalone Sitecore instances or ContentManagement instances. There is no need to add it to ContentDelivery or other roles.
To migrate accounts roles we decided on the following flow:
Empty class can look as follows:
namespace Konabos.Foundation.Security.Events
public class SsoUserCreationEvent
public void OnUserCreated(Object o, EventArgs args)
var scEventArgs = (SitecoreEventArgs)args;
var user = (MembershipUser)scEventArgs.Parameters[0];
// implement algorithm
OnUserCreated method receives in the arguments an information about the user that we extract in the first two lines of the method. Extracted information contains data of a user that was authenticated within SSO provider.
Then to implement the algorithm we can use the following code:
// validate if user should be processed
// get user’s email
var userEmail = user.UserName.Split('\\')[1];
var existingUsersCollection = Membership.FindUsersByEmail(userEmail);
// find existing users
if (existingUsersCollection.Count > 0)
var sitecoreUser = Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName(user.UserName, true);
var sitecoreUserProfile = sitecoreUser.Profile;
// for every user, get the profile and assign found roles to the new user
foreach (MembershipUser existingUser in existingUsersCollection)
var roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(existingUser.UserName);
foreach(var role in roles)
Roles.AddUserToRole(user.UserName, role);
// lock existing user
existingUser.IsApproved = false;
var existingSitecoreUser = Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName(existingUser.UserName, true);
var existingSitecoreUserProfile = existingSitecoreUser.Profile;
// if existing user is administrator, make new user administrator too
if (existingSitecoreUserProfile.IsAdministrator)
sitecoreUserProfile.IsAdministrator = true;
// if no roles were found, assign basic role so use can access Sitecore panel
Roles.AddUserToRole(user.UserName, "sitecore\\Sitecore Client Users");
The above code is everything that you need to start with if you are looking for a smart way of roles migration. As you probably noticed we are not sharing the implementation of the ShouldWeProcessThisUser method as it can be very specific to every project. You can validate users based on the domain, email, and/or any other data that you decided to share via SSO.
If you work on a smaller implementation you may not even need any validation and simply apply all the steps to all users that authenticate with SSO of your choice.
Hopefully, a shared approach will help you to develop a solution that answers your needs.
I have been awarded with the Sitecore MVP award seven times (the first time in 2017) for my continued support of the Sitecore Community. Besides blogging, as a Sitecore Community member, I organize all of the Sitecore User Group meetups in Poland. Since 2021 I have helped to organize the Sitecore User Group Conference (SUGCON) as one of the co-organizers.
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